Featured News: That Gut and Brain Connection

On July 19th, at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) in Amsterdam, new research was presented on the connection between the health of the gut and our microbiome and the health of our brain. More than ever before we understand that the aging of the brain is tied closely with the health of the gut. While we still don’t have a precise understanding of exactly what makes a health microbiome, a diversity of beneficial bacteria, supported by a fiber and nutrient rich diet seem to be a consistent contributing factor. One notable conclusion stated that constipation in Alzheimer’s patients sped the breakdown of cognition with constipated patients suffering a breakdown in cognition twice as quickly. Using the bathroom once every few day as compared with at least once a day resulted in the brain aging three years within a single year. The thought is that there are harmful bacteria types that can build up in the gut and may overwhelm the beneficial bacteria. Eventually, researchers hope to pinpoint exact bacteria types are “red flags” signaling the possible onset of demetia in patients that have not yet shown symptoms.

For more information, check out this MSN article on the recent AAIC meeting here.


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