After testing products, we found 4 products from Inspiration Beverage Company, LLC dba Bing, we allege to be in violation of Proposition 65 regarding heavy metal contamination. Below is the timeline of events of the case between ERC and Bing.
On November 8, 2024, the Environmental Research Center filed a Notice of Violation of California Law Proposition 65, against Inspiration Beverage Company, LLC dba Bing.
In this action, ERC alleges that three specific products manufactured, distributed, or sold by Bing contain lead and mercury, chemicals listed under Proposition 65 as carcinogens and a reproductive toxins.
The products under investigation is:
Petey's Bing Black Made with Blackberry Juice Energizing Juice Beverage Blackberry – Lead, Mercury
Petey's Bing Made with Black Cherry Juice Energizing Juice Beverage Black Cherry – Lead, Mercury
On November 27, 2024, the Environmental Research Center filed a Notice of Violation of California Law Proposition 65, against Inspiration Beverage Company, LLC dba Bing.
In this action, ERC alleges that two specific products manufactured, distributed, or sold by Bing contain lead and mercury, chemicals listed under Proposition 65 as carcinogens and a reproductive toxins.
The products under investigation is:
Petey's Bing Raz Made with Raspberry Juice Energizing Juice Beverage Raspberry – Lead
Petey's Bing Crisp Made with Apple and Cherry Juice Energizing Juice Beverage Crisp Apple – Lead, Mercury